We like to wish everybody Merry Christmas and a Happy & healthy 2018.
As for our new years resolution it will definitely be : Go Green!
What better way than with olive oil? Because olive oil is created from natural ingredients, it won’t release chemicals during it's lifecycle and it’s perfect for recycling. Like you can use last year’s oil (or older) to make your favorite household items last longer. Use it to polish furniture, tile or wood flooring & surfaces. Olive oil can be used to clean tools; silence squeaky hinges or zippers that are stuck; preserve your leather shoes and most of all used to moisturise your skin. So support all the finest olive oil producers around the world and buy some of the new harvest for your kitchen!
We will continue our green journey bringing the best olives & olive oils of Portugal in most sustainable way possible and of course serving great local & healthy food back here in Coimbra.
With love from family Passos,
Guilherme, Marije, Benjamin, Matilda
Picual, Shaggy & Galega